Curriculum – Secondary

Access to Specialist Facilities

Students within the Secondary School move from a common curriculum studied by all students at Years 7 to a core and elective model from Year 8. They have access to excellent shared resources such as computer laboratories, a modern library, superb sports grounds as well as specialist facilities such as the Food Technology kitchen, Art studios and Science laboratories. Interactive whiteboards, iPads and desktop computers enable them to access information from within and outside the School. Teaching teams with a variety of expertise work with Secondary School students as they take on more specialised courses of study.

Leadership Opportunities

Student run activities are a hallmark of Moama Anglican Grammar. Secondary students are encouraged to take up leadership roles and to train younger students to develop their skills as well.

Years 7 and 8

These years are considered important formative years during which students are given the opportunity to study courses from a diverse range of subject areas. All students in Year 7 study a common group of subjects from a wide range of curriculum areas at this stage. From Year 8 students select from a range of electives.
This diverse range of courses fulfills the needs of the majority of students; however, those who need extension beyond the basic outcomes are offered the opportunity to complete work that is suitably challenging.
The School offers specific remedial classes within the current timetable for students that have been identified as needing extra assistance in Years 7 and 8.

Year 8 Elective Handbook: 2025

To order required textbooks, click here.
Moama Anglican Grammar Assessment Protocols Stage 4
Years 7 and 8 ASSESSMENT GUIDE 2025
Year 6-8 Student Sports Program Guide

Years 9 and 10

In Years 9 and 10, students begin to select elective courses for the first time, while still undertaking a common core of subjects to enable a sound foundation to their studies.
All students in Year 9 study English, Mathematics, Science, PDHPE, Australian History, Australian Geography and Religious Education.
In addition students in Years 9 and 10 students choose THREE electives from a diverse range offered by the school.
In Year 9, Careers Education is studied by all students. Every Year 10 student at Moama Anglican Grammar School takes part in the Career Wise program and receives a profile about their career interests and abilities. They also take part in the Year 10 Careers Camp and work experience.

Year 9 and 10 students have the opportunity to undertake a Student Interest Module (SIM) during period 5 and 6 one day a week. Each SIM will go for 5 weeks and students undertake four per semester. Student Interest Modules are opportunities for students to undertake different activities from the normal school day and deeper develop their skill set.

Curriculum Handbook Stage 5 (Year 9 and 10) 2025

To order required textbooks, click here.
Moama  Anglican Grammar Assessment Protocols Stage 5
Years 9 and 10 ASSESSMENT GUIDE 2025
Student Interest Modules 2025

Years 11 and 12

The award of the NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC) is made at the end of at least two years of study. Year 11 is known as Preliminary. Students have to complete 120 hours (roughly equivalent to three terms) of a subject at Preliminary level prior to attempting that subject at HSC level. HSC Courses run from early Term 4 in Year 11 until October of Year 12 when the HSC exams commence.

Curriculum Handbook Year 11 and HSC (Year 12) 2025

Moama Anglican Grammar  Assessment Protocols Stage 6

Plagiarism and All My Own Work in HSC

Preliminary Courses

Students must study at least 12 units (including English and Mathematics) in Year 11. Most subjects are worth two units, so most courses will consist of six subjects at this level.

HSC Courses

Students must study at least 10 units at HSC level. Most subjects are worth two units, so most courses will consist of five subjects at this level. English is the only compulsory course for the HSC.

To order required textbooks, click here.
Bring Your Own Device Program Specifications